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Everything posted by proxer

  1. proxer

    Please rate...

    hfk thanks! Encouraged me ;)
  2. Wow good score. Congratulations!.. How was your essay?
  3. proxer

    Please rate...

    Some people pay money for the things they want or need. Other people trade products or goods for what they need. Compare the advantages of these two ways of obtaining things. Which way do you prefer? Explain why. Often times come when we can not impede ourself to buy something that we want or need. In situations like these often we have only two choices; one is to pay money for it and other is to trade products or goods for what we need. However both way to get thing we want have certain advantages. We can dwell on two main advantages of paying money if we are those people who spend money for things we want. First, when we spend money we just loose money, namely we do not loose any product or good. Second, some type of goods can be bring more money as the time passes when it is sold. For example, cars in old style make more money as the time passes. As regarding advantages of trading products or goods for thing we need, we can describe two reason. First, if thing, we want to buy, has same properties as that we have than we should trade that product or good we have for what we need. For example, we want to buy cell phone. However, we have no money, but have mp3 player. If cell phone also can play music as mp3 player then we should trade mp3 player. Second, if we can find easily that thing which already we have then we should trade it since we can use money either to buy thing that I traded or to buy another thing. In conclusion, as it considered above, if I have to make a choice among trading goods for something that I need and paying money for what I need, I prefer to trade thing that I already have, since I can use money either to buy thing that I traded or to buy another thing. ------------------ Dear friends, I wrote it in 31-33 minutes. Thanks ------------------
  4. proxer


    What is the 3-P (3 practise?)?
  5. Hi, I have finished "Longman Complete course for the TOEFL test" and now studying on "Cambridge Preparation for the toefl test" but Cambridge standing harder for me. Is it really harder than real TOEFL Test or what? Especially reading part...
  6. Since there are many transitive verbs how can we make a list of more important ones?
  7. So which one is the answer. It was quoted from the Cambridge T. Prep. book and answer is B on it. Confusedddd....:crazy: However, from your explanation - ellipsis - "The lower the temperature and longer " is correct. Thus, "tough" is wrong, isn't it? Must be tougher?
  8. I think : 1.In the nineteeth century, North American locomotives ran on hardwood fuel, which was inexpensive and plentiful in the time. must be had run because of the period "in the nineteeth century" Is ther anybody english native speaker except for Eric?
  9. * * * Today shire horses are seen more and more in their traditional role _________ workhorses. A) alike B) as C) like D) as if * * * The rewsnA is bi. My question is that what is the difference between "like" and "as". This question was quoted from Cambridge Prep. book page 280 q.num. 15. The explanation in the book is shortly : "as" is a preposition used to indicate the function of horses. "like" is a preposition which indicates a manner or comparison.
  10. Following question is attracting my attension... No structual style spread as rapidly and as wide as the Gothic. A B C D rewsnA is di... Be careful with structural parallelism and adverbal form of "wide".... From Cambridge Prep. page: 280 q.n:14
  11. What is wrong in the following sentence: The lower the temperature and longer cooking time used for a baked potato the crunchier and tough the skin will be. word "longer" must be "the longer" but what about the word "tough" ? Doest't it need "the"?
  12. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Childhood is the happies time of the person's life. Use reasons and specific examples to support your opinion. Although there are many happy times in the human's life, most of them are hidden in the childhood. I think the most of the people agrees as I do with that childhood is the happiest time of a person's life. Moreover, I think some reasons I am going to discuss are enough to support why do I agree with this. First, I believe that the lack of money can impede person to be happy enough. However, the child does not concern about existence of money. For example I do not remember anytime that I concerned about a money when I was I child. That is why childhood can be the happiest time of a person's life. Second, the career can not bother children as it concerns the adults. For instance my future - my career - bothers me enough. That is why I am thinking about how to come summit of my career as in a short time as I can instead of thinking how to have a good time to be feel myself happy in present. Third, it is difficult for most of us to be happy without our family. As an adult I live in different country that is far from my own beloved country since I have to pursue my bachelor dergee at university. On the other hand when I was a child, everytime I was with my family that makes me feel happy enough. In conclusion, the reasons written above may not make adults feel happy enough but it is inevitably true that it makes children feel happy. Since there are many things simple which can make children happy, I am absolutely agree that childhood is the happiest time of a person's life. ----------- Please evaluate and rate my essay. Thanks a lot!!!
  13. Good job oxidejo in 30 min. :]
  14. proxer

    Fourth essay...

    Dear perelizer thanks a lot! Your rate also encouraging...
  15. A gift (such as camera, a soccer ball, or an animal) can contribute to a child’s development. What gift would you give to help a child develop? Why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer World of the children is a world of interesting and lovely things. We, the adult. [s,] naturally, want to give them as many gifts as we can. However, to choose a god gift for a child is not very easy. The gift must be both funny and educated to [educating for] them. There are some typical gifts which people choose to give to their pretty children, such as camera, a soccer ball, or an animal. As for me, I will give my beloved child a pet, for i.e [i think shortening some word such as "does not" to "doesn't" is not good idea. Especially "for example"], a dog. This gift is chosen for its many advantages [.] Firstly, having a dog means that the child will have a new friend. Children are easy to make friends. [For children it is easy to make friends] They want to have as many friends as possible. Dogs are very sensible [~] and smart. They can follow their owner, walk and play with the children. Some special kind of dogs even can play sport [~] with the children. They also can listen to the children in some way. I still remember when I was a child, I used to sit at the threshhold[threshhold], stroked my dog’ [space] glossy fur and told him what I didn’t dare to tell my parents. Sometimes, I felt it is closer than a friend. Therefore, almost all children love to have a friend like that[.] Secondly, importantly[not sensible], a dog will teach a child about the loyality. Dogs are famous for this virtue. If you ever have a dog, you will admit that. It follow everywhere you want[dog follows you not everywhere], wag its tail happily when it see you returning home, protect you when you are attacked. If it is your dog, it is yours forever. I ever witnessed dog which was ruthlessly beaten by its owner, but still it follow[ed] him. This thing is not very positive, but I can see a nearly obvious loyality in dogs. Beside dogs, children will[why will] learn something about loyality with his friends, with his beloved ones. As a result, thirdly, a dog will[why will] teach a child how to care others. Usually, children are the smallest and youngest in the family[Aren't other children in the family the children?]. Others care and worry for them[who are the "others" here?]. They don’t have to care much about others[same]. A small and pretty pet will[why will] teach many things. Have you ever raised[i am not sure about "raised" is appropriate here or not, but you should use bred p.tense of breed] a dog? And Has it ever been ill[sick]? If yes, surely, you’d be very worried[very worried?], even couldn’t sleep. You wonder whether it can live or not, you give it delicious food and fondle it, even talk to it to give it more strength. Finally, a dog will increase curiousity, passion for discover of the children. Do you believe? When a child raise [mentioned above] an animal, he want to find more information about it. He asks many questions about the animals, such as how does it growth, which food does it like, why does it reduce its body temperature by its tongue, why can it recognize it owner from such a distance etc…This thing is very important to a child, which enhace its imagination and useful[~] for its mental development[be carefull with sentence parallelism] [i think if you don't use subject and verb after "and", or the sencence after "and" is continues the precedeng sentence then these sentences should be parallel in structure. Maybe I am wrong :whistle:] In conclusion, if I have to choose a gift among many kinds of gifts, I will[omit will. Use present tense] choose an animal, and a dog is the best. It will be an unforgettable friend and also a teacher of the child. It will teach the child about loyality, love and care for others,[needs connector or full stop] give them the passion to discover things around him[them]. It is really a meaningful gift. ------------------------------------- As I am preparing for TOEFL my comments might be WRONG. Namely, I am not English native speaker. Thus, criticize my comments also. Idea of essay is not bad. It is including enough examples supporting clearly. Be careful with "tenses", pronous(them for they/him for he), and singular,plural nouns(five tables, one table). Be careful with punctuations and paragraphings. This essay brings you 3.5-4. Good Luck!
  16. proxer

    Fourth essay...

    Thanks a lot oxidejo! I think so...
  17. I think examples you gave are good and enough, but try to group them in distinctive paragraphs. Conjuctions you used also to the point. As for grammar mistakes Daniel and Angelica indicated them all. I would give 4,5. Good luck!
  18. proxer

    Fourth essay...

    Dear Members, Please comment on my fourth essay and rate roughly. I wrote it in 30 minute. Thanks for all your comments. ---------------------------------------- Topic #92 Some people prefer to live in places that have the same weather or climate all year long. Others like to live in areas where the weather changes several times a year. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice. Effects of climate or weather on people compel some of them to live in places that have same weather or climate all year long since compel others to live in contrast places. As I do not like winter and because of some other resons I prefer to live in a country where has same climate - summer climate - everytime. The other reasons why do I prefer to live in countries which have same weather conditions are buying one type of clothes for all season, my health condition requires summer climate and being my profession successful only in summer season. Let's explain these reasons more fully. First, if the climate of country we live in is same all year along, for example it is summer climate, then we do not need to buy winter clothes which are more expensive then clothes worn in summer. Thus it prevents us to spend more money for our clothes. Moreover if we like to wear summer clothes as do I. Second, some people needs to live in places where the climate is same all year long. Reason for this would be their health condition. For example my uncle lives in South Africa because of illness that becomes worse in cold environment in other word in winter. Third, as I am biologist and my research area is butterflies life I need summer climate to achieve my goals. Similarly some people's profession needs constant climate or weather condition and if they want to do their job successfully they have to live in places that have the same weather or climate all year long. In conclusion, as I like summer and as I like to wear T-shirt, I prefer to live in places that have the sunny weather and summer climate all year long. Moreover people prefer to live places that have the same weather or climate all year long because of their profession, their health status. --------------- written in 30 minutes.
  19. proxer

    i need four

    I think Introduction paragraph is short enough. Try to mention what are you going to tell. Try to group paragraphs definitely - idea of paragraphs a little bit similar to each other. Give examples. Structures and idea are not bad. I think you can take at least 4.
  20. 109. When people move to another country, some of them decide to follow the customs of the new country. Others prefer to keep their own customs. Compare these two choices. Which one do you prefer? Support your answer with specific details. In modern society, immigrant is not as rare as it was. For example, my parent does not know anyone who moved to other countries in their life, but I know more than tem [ten] people even though I am a lot younger than my parents are. Many people choose to immigrate to other country because they want better jobs or to have better opportunity for achieving their goal. In order to achieve what they want in other countries, I think they need to adjust themselves to the customs of the new country because it will help them to have better chance of succeeding their goal. The success of the life in another country depends mainly on how people interact with those in the new country. Many of my friends went to the United States or Canada to enhance their English for about a year. However, not everyone told me they improve[d] their English as they had expected. As I listened to whey[what?] they said, I soon figured out that they failed to adjust themselves to the customs which were different from that of my country[should be "their own country". Because noun used in an example is your friend. Gramatically true but logically not clear]. For instance, it is considered rude [?] to beckoning a person with an index finger in my country, but it is very common in the United States. One of my friends really did not understand the behavior [use pronoun. Which behavior? ] and he hated even after he found out that it is not a rude behavior in the United States. Since he did not like the beckoning with the index finger, he was often reluctant to hang out with Americans. This caused him to study English along in his room which in turn resulted in less improved English of his. Another problem of keeping their own custom when they moved to the new country is that they become more likely outcast by indigenous people. This causes the bigger problem that[then?] the above because there would be no chance for them to go up the ladder, especially for those who moved to another country for their job. In order to become a manager in their firm, they should be able to lead people by examples and to be a people person ["people person" what do u mean here?]. Unfortunately, it is very hard for those who stick to their own custom when they live in another country because indigenous people would think of them are different[where is subject/connector? "what indigenous people would think of them are"] which make those foreigners to be alienated. When I was in Japan as an exchange student, there was a man from India who believed a religion that tells a [the]dog is a bad luck. When his boss, who was my host family, invited him for New Year's Day breakfast, he did not come. Later, I heard his boss talk about him that he did not come because of his religion. Since the boss's family loves dogs they have couple of dogs running around the house. When people move to other countries, they go there to achieve certain goals . Those goals would be hard to accomplish when they are stick to their custom because it will prevent[prevents] them to get along with people in the country who would play a decisive role in their success. ------------------------------ Dear oxidejo, I have commented on some of your essays so far. I am not sure but I think you are trying to use as more different words as you can. That is why your sentences are rich, but number of examples proportion to essay length is not enough. These are just my opinions. How many takes it to complete this essay? If you wrote it in 30 minutes then it is good job! Paragraph structures are perfect. Each paragraph concludes itself at the end, that is I like.; and each paragraph appeals reader because main idea you want to say is located at the end. Good luck. I think it bring you at least 5 : 5,5-6
  21. Today it is important to most young teenagers to attend to[omit "to"] [the] college or [the] university [university and college are same. You could use only one of them] for several reasons. It is very important that those young teenagers will go to university or college because this is the way which opens new doors in[should be "of the future"] the future. The main reason to attend to[omit "to"] university or college is that in order to find a good job, one needs first to be well educated [the main reason to attend university is to find a good job which ...]. These days most of the companies which hire [why "hire"] new employees are first of all looking on the candidates' resume[s?], which includes their education[i think it is not appropriate. What abou "educational status"?]. Because there is a lot of competition in the market, everyone who wants to be accepted to a big known company has to have the minimum requirements, such as finishing college or university. For example, before i started to learn in university[going to university?], I could not find any job that was appropriate to my skills. So I knew that in order to work in a well known company, where I can use my skills, I need to study in the university. A second reason to go to university or college is to learn [using?] tools that[those] will help one[someone?] in his actual job. Specifically, in my current job, I am using a lot of different tools and methods, which i have learned in university. Without these tools, the whole process of solving problems during work["whole" used here, so why we needed to use "during work"], would be much harder and longer. Another reason to learn[study?] in college concerns with becoming more mature and knowing[try to keep sentence parallelism] how to handle pressures[really I couldn't understand this sentence]. For example, only after I finished my degree["graduated"?], did i start to understand how much it helped me in organizing everything in a proper way, how not to get stressed out whenever something does not go [in] the way I wanted it to go. Another[in previous paragraph you used "another"] reason for going to top university concerns with the finding of what one[someone?] wants to do as a profession. In the university one can experience a lot of different courses, which will help him to figure out what he likes best["best"?]. This reason is making a lot of teenagers [how it can make teenagers?] to go and learn, just because they want to find what suit them and what will they [where is verb] in the future. In conclusion, going to college or university has a lot of reasons, but one [what "one"] will acknowledge the big forward it gave to his life only after finishing studying. [tenses are confused] ---------------------------------- I am not sure if my comments are right or not. Especially those have question marks at the end. Conclusion is short enough. My rate i 3,5.
  22. Dear oxidejo, Thank you very, very much. Of course your comments are usefull for me. Thanks again.
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