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Everything posted by Abhishek009

  1. Although Professor Crone’s arguments are creative, they fail to convince her readers that her representation of Meccan trade should be taken as fact. ​Hence would choose A
  2. Going through the given options A , B and E can be ruled out based on the following logic - A : As much as , refers to quantitative comparison , whereas we are interested in the Number . B : Twice as many as 1977 is incorrect as it gives the impression 2 times 1977. C : Double what it , " It " is ambiguous , it might refer to clerks or female ministers and its not clearly specified. E : Modifies the number of Clergies , whereas it must modify the Female ministers.... Hence C is correct..
  3. The best way for solving such questions is by using Options given as answer choices... So , if Possible kindly give some options.
  4. 5 pencils + 3 pens = 30 cents--------------->(1) 4 pencils + 4 pens = 32 cents---------------->(2) (1) * 4 => 20 pencils + 12 pens = 120 cents------------>(3) (2) * 5 => 20 pencils + 20 pens = 160 cents------------>(4) Now subtract ( 3 ) from ( 4 ) .... 8 pens = 40cents so 1 pen = 5 cents... Now substitute the value of 1 pen in equation number 1 : 5 pencils + 3 pens = 30 cents Or , 5 pencils + 3 * 5 = 30 cents Or, 5 pencils + 15 cents = 30 cents So 5 pencils = 15 cents Hence Cost of 1 pencil is 3 cents....
  5. Great question , go thru this - Math Forum: Ask Dr. Math FAQ: 0! = 1
  6. Let total dozen of eggs sold in may be 3 Then total dozen of eggs sold in April is 2 Eggs sold in June => 2 times that of April = 4 Now find the total price of eggs month wise : April => 2 * $1.26 = 2.52 May => 3 * $1.20 = 3.60 June = 4 * $1.08 = 4.32 Total Price of Eggs over the three months is 10.44 So average Price per dozen is Total Price / Total No of Dozens sold => 10.44 / 9 = 1.16 Hence answer is 1.16......
  7. Left hand side : (x-1)!/(X-3)! *2= (x-1)(x-2)(x-3)!/(X-3)!*2 Now (x-1)(x-2)(x-3)!/(X-3)! = > (x-1)(x-2)*2 Hence : (x-1)(x-2)*2 = 72 So , (x-1)(x-2) = 36 Now proceed....
  8. p is the product of the integers from 1 to 30 means p = 1 * 2 * 3* ..............28* 29 * 30 p = 30! Now we gotta find the no of 3's in 30! 30/3 = 10 10 /3 = 3 3 /1 = 1 Finally we add them up to get the total no of 3's in 30! is 14 ( 10 + 3 + 1 )...
  9. CASE I n = 17x + 5 Again CASE II n = 23y + 14 Now in both Cases n is common so : n => 17x + 5 = 23y + 14 or , 17x-23y = 9 Thus answer is B...:rolleyes:
  10. both x and y is the correct usage and it works fine here , without distorting the meaning of the sentence.....
  11. Plugin in some values of m to check the value of x and proceed..... case 1 take m = 1 Then 1/2^m + 1/2^m = 1/2^x 1/2^1 + 1/2^1 = 1/2^0 So m = 1 & x = 0 ( m - 1 ) Case 2 Take m = 2 1/2^m + 1/2^m = 1/2^x 1/2^2 + 1/2^2 = 1/2^1 Here again x = m -1 So from here you can calculate the value of x......
  12. Same here will go with Whom...
  13. IMO D Correct usage is - Prevent someone from doing something
  14. Defintely the answer is C due to the continuity , Not only ______________ but also_______________
  15. Factors as a product p^a * q^b * .... *r^k => 441 = 3^2 * 7^2 Now , number of factors for your number would be (a+1)*(b+1)*...(k+1) 3 * 3 => 9 !
  16. Let's plugin some values satisfying the conditions given above : Say X = 5 and now if you take any value less than 5 it will be divisible and will leave some remainder... Say U take Y = 2 Quotient (Q) is 2 and Remainder ® is 1 Same will hold true for any value less than 5.... Take X = 5 , Y = 3 Q = 1 and R = 2 Now take any vale of Y >X Say X = 5 and Y = 6 Q = 0 & R = 5 { Note : This is the minimum value of X and Y } Now take X = 5 and Q = 7 Q = 0 and R = 5 Say X = 5 and Y = 6 Q = 0 & R = 5 { Note : This is the minimum value of X and Y } Now you have assumed it correctly you can take X as 11 and Y as 6 here Q = 1 & R = 5 But please note here that this is not the minimum value of X and Y , because we just found out we don't need to go till 11 ( To establish the relationship , because X = 5 and Y = 6 satisfies the condition ).... Hope this helps !!
  17. If you go by the theory of Arithmetic progression you will get the answer ! The first number of the odd series is 1 Total Number of terms is 21 ( We found out )... Difference between the A.P. Series is 2. Now we know the formula : an = a1 + (n – 1)d He used this formula to find out the kth term... *an = kth term here a1 = First term in the series n = Terms in the series d = Common difference between the terms... Hope this helps a bit.
  18. Let the total volume of the mixture be 100 parts Now alcohol contains 20 parts Hence Water is 80 parts Now we need to add pure alcohol to the mixture to make it 25% of the entire mixture. So 20 + x / 100 + x = 1/4 Now 80 + 4x = 100 + x So 3x = 20 Hence X = 20 / 3 !!
  19. Let x be 10 So the other variable ( Z ) be 14 Now it is given 14 is 20% less than Y So the other variable Z is 80% of Y Hence Y = 17.5 Now we have all the 3 variables , X , Y and Z X = 10 Y = 17.5 Z = 14 So let's find out how much is Y greater than X , Y - X is 7.5 So percentage is Y greater than X is - ( 7.5 / 10 ) * 100 => 75% Hope this helps...
  20. 18^5 => 8 * 8 * 8 * 8 * 8 => ( 4 ) 8 * ( 4 ) { Consider only the unit's digit 64 as 4 because we have to consider the unit's digit } => 2 * ( 4 ) { 4 * 8 = 32 but we consider 2 } => 8 27^4 Let's take it 7^4 because we need to find the unit's digit . 7 * 7 * 7 * 7 => 9 * 9 { 7*7 = 49 , but we consider only the unit's digit 9 } => 1 If you have further queries you can visit this thread - MBA|CAT|CAT 2010|CAT 2011|CAT Online|MBA 2010|MBA Entrance Exams|CAT Test|Preparation|CAT Questions
  21. Make it a thumb rule Diagonal of a square is (√2)a Where a is the side of a square.... (√2)a = 20 2a^2 = 400 a^2 = 200 a = 200^1/2 a = 14.xxx ( Check 15^2 = 225 , 14^2 = 196 ) We take the value of a as 14. Now Perimeter of the square is 4a = 4*14 =>56. So , Answer is C...
  22. As Brenet has shown the short cut method for solving such Problems , I am trying to apply another shortcut , where U don't have to solve the entire Problem. Now from Brent Hanneson's ; method we take A as 5 and B as 2 So 8A+9B:8A+2B becomes => 8*5 + 9*2 : 8A+2B ( Not solving this part ) => 58 : 8A+2B Now check the options... From the options it is clear that only D is the possible answer because 58 divided by 2 is 29 ! Other terms 22 , 21 or 26 can never come as the numerator when divided by 2 , 3 , 5 or any number... . Use the shortcut of Plugging in some numbers only when you see both the numbers are in the same indices had the Ratio been 5A + 6A^2 : 4A ^3 + 3B Then this trick might not work....
  23. 36 ! will have 36 / 5 = 7 7 / 5 = 1 _______ 7 + 1 = 8 zeros in the end. Now 8 zero's ^ 36 ! Now a simple observation. 10^2! = 10^2 = 100 10^3! = 10^6 = 1000000 Similarly 8zero's ^ 36! will have 8 ^ 36! zero's in the end... 2. Absolutely same method as blinvisible so not repeating.
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