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Everything posted by bharathsm

  1. hi sanghip and rishim thanx a ton for your comments. I will try to put in more in the conclusion. Sanghip, your essay has the points which are appropriate but one gets the feeling that u seem to have just ran through it. May be u can stress more on the important points. that would make it more persuasive.
  2. hi genzotran, your way of analysis is very logical. here are my ideas, 1. first of all one has to define what attitude is. from your examples, I feel u think even social outlook reflects attitude. I disagree with this as I think attitude is something innate and need not have any relation to appearance. 2. Few of the situations where a person could be influenced by his immediate surroundings: a. Behaviour of an adoloscent is highly influenced by peer pressure. at this age, a person might take up smoking or drugs mainly because of the com pany he maintains. I will add on to this later. bharath
  3. hi wemra, i feel that more points could be added to strengthen your argument. 1. Increase in rate of sale of tickets could be bcos of many reasons a. increase in the number of outlets b. online ticket sales c. hoarding of tickets by middlemen d. decrease in the price of the tickets or in the total number of tickets e. Surge in popularity the manager has to provide convincing evidence that the increase in sales was only due to surge in popularity and nothing else. 2. The manager relates the increase in ticket sales to the surge in popularity. but no evidence has been provided. further the age distribution in the city of megalopolis shld be given or the age group buying the tickets. 3. if one considers that the band has been popular, there is no reason why the ticket sales would be hampered even if there was no advertising also the nature of campaign conducted by the Ad-lib company shld be provided. people could have come to know abt the concert from media or news paper articles which need not be entirely the efforts of ad- Lib bharath
  4. hi rashmi, thanks for your comments. I agree with you that I have digressed a bit by trying to differentiate attitude and behaviour. The two sentences also appear to be unconnected. Possibly I should combine them into one sentence. I meant to say that one person can dictate many people's behaviour. here is what I felt abt your essay. In the first para, I feel it would be better if u would rephrase the ISSUE sentence instead of wiritng it as it is. Also u might need to provide more examples substantiating your view abt society's influence on the attitude. I some hoe felt that u were referring to aptitide or liking when u referred to a person taking up a job or a course. will write back after going thru your essay once again
  5. hi rashmi, I am relatively new to this forum. Here is my essay on the same topic. Many people believe that a few individuals or small groups (family, friends, teachers, celebrities, for example) have caused them to think and behave in the way they do. Yet it is always society as a whole that defines us and our attitudes, not a few individuals." The thought process and behaviour of a person is the outcome of the effect of several factors. Agreeably, these factors include few individuals. small groups as well as the society. However, the attitude of a person does not have a strong relationship with the society. First of all, behaviour and attitude are not the same entities. Behaviour is the way in which a person would conduct himself in his routine activities and at times it can be impulsive. Behaviour is changeable and is subject to the influence of the person's surroundings. On the other hand, attitude is an innate quality and can be developed by an individual over a period of time. Generally, attitude cannot be bent easily and is less subject to the influence of the environment. The influence of individuals on the behaviour of a person can be see in many instances. For examples, the conduct of a child mirrors the discipline brought in him by his parents, elders and teachers. Several great scientists have been influenced by few individuals. Leaders such as Nelson Mandela have influenced people to participate in the struggle against racial discrimination. An adoloscent is usually influenced by his peers and even celebrities who become their idols. furthermore, the society also influences the behaviour of a person upto some extent. for example, during a communal riot a person can be influenced by the mob to spread more unrest and this influence has proved to be infective in many cases. To exemplify this fact, one can look at the increasing number of suicide bombers among Palestines. However, not everyone in a society behaves or reacts to all the situations in a similar fashion. this is true as any society is a mixture of good and bad elements. The reason for this could be the innate feelings of the person or in particular the attitude of that person. Attitude is the way in which a person views things. it relies more on logical reasoning rather than impulsiveness. attitude is the mental set up and depends more on the small group that influences the person. Quite possibly, family is the strongest factor that shapes the attitude of a person. A person's inclination towards business could be because of the presence of a tycoon in his family. similarly, we have seen the Curie family, most of whom were scientists. However, society as a whole would not effect the attitude as it is innate and cannot be bent easily. For example, If a naturally indolent person is put in the hard working Japanese society, one cannot be sure that he would get inclined towards working hard. even if the society would bring a change, it might not be permanent. In aggregate, individuals, small groups and the society are responsible for the behaviour of an individual. But, the attitude is most likely due to the influencet individuals and small groups. In few cases, the sculptor of one's attitude can the person himself.
  6. hi all, Somebody over there ,please provide your comments on my essay
  7. hi all, this is my first issue essay. please post your comments 27. "No one can possibly achieve success in the world by conforming to conventional practices and conventional ways of thinking." Ingenious ideas may lead to success. However, routine practices and traditional ideas always do not lead to failure. In my view, the probability of success is higher when one sticks to the conventional ways rather than ingenious ones. Success is a subjective term. Different people define success in different ways. The term success can be different for people working in the same as well as different fields. For example, if just passing the exams means success for one student, another might feel that he is successful only if he tops that exam. If passing exams would define academic success, for an industrialist great economic benefits would mean success. To achieve success in any field, one has to stick to conventions or has to be creative. Conventional ideas and traditional ways can help many people to be successful. For example, consider an accountant whose job is to maintain the financial transactions of a company. The job does not require any creativity. To be successful, the accountant has to just follow the conventional rules of addition and subtraction. The same applies to an average student who can pass his exams just by concentrating on the theoretical or factual matter. In all these cases, time tested conventional ideas and traditional ways are enough to achieve success. On the other hand, there are certain fields where creativity plays an important role. For example, a scientist has to be creative to succeed in his field. It took a Newton to relate a falling apple to the force of gravity and a James Watt to bring out a steam engine from a kettle of boiling water. All these scientists have had collateral thinking, keen observation and perseverance. This even extends to the Industries. All the large machines that stand today are a result of the amalgamation of new ideas from eclectic sources. Even a student who has to top a difficult exam would require some creative thinking in solving the problems. Thus, ingenuity is necessary for success in certain cases. However, not every person is a genius and not every ingenious idea leads to success. Einstein once said that whenever he thought of something, he is wrong almost ninety nine times before he could get it right the hundredth time. Hence, to obtain success from an ingenious idea, a lot of trail and error is involved and many a times, it turns out to be a failure. Whereas, following the time tested traditional ways can almost always lead to success. Thereby, the probability of success is greater when one sticks to routine ways. In aggregate, success can be achieved by following both the conventional and creative ways. The path to success is easier in few areas where routine work is involved and one can be successful if he adheres to the traditional ways. But in fields such as research, where high standards are expected, success is achieved the hard way and ingenuity is almost always a necessity. On the whole, more people succeed by adhering to conventional or traditional norms.
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