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Everything posted by GMAT-HELP

  1. 1-4+9-16+...-100^2 Deduce the pattern => 1^2-2^2+3^2-4^2+...-100^2 =>(1^2-2^2)+(3^2-4^2)+...+(99^2-100^2) =>(1-2)(1+2)+(3-4)(3+4)+....+(99-100)(99+100) =>-3-7-11-15-19......-199 =>-1(3+7+11+15+....+199) =>-1(avg*no of terms) =>-1(((199+3)/2)*50) => -1*101*50 => -5050
  2. 1-4+9-16+...-100^2 Deduce the pattern => 1^2-2^2+3^2-4^2+...-100^2 =>(1^2-2^2)+(3^2-4^2)+...+(99^2-100^2) =>(1-2)(1+2)+(3-4)(3+4)+....+(99-100)(99+100) =>-3-7-11-15-19......-199 =>-1(3+7+11+15+....+199) =>-1(avg*no of terms) =>-1(((199+3)/2)*50) => -1*101*50 => -5050
  3. Great Score! App for the top 5 schools! Good luck!
  4. Skarya, I think 680 is a competitive score. You stand a good chance with a good application package in most of the good schools . Having said that, you are more likely to get your score to 700+ in your next attempt(without the timing jitters) if you decide to take that route. Good luck!
  5. Great Score! Good luck with the E-MBA program.
  6. Congrats! A very helpful debrief.. Good luck with ur apps.
  7. Ans is D but the qn doesn't seem like a typical GMAT qn(If it is D, both stmts typically lead to the same unique ans): Please read thru' 800Bob's comments on a similar issue: http://www.www.urch.com/forums/gmat-data-sufficiency/50668-what-your-approach-question.html?highlight=remainder
  8. Congrats GREMAT! Good luck with your apps.
  9. Simple Interest: P is the principal;x is the interest rate P*n*x/100 = 10000*n*x/100 Ans C.
  10. radius = r. Isn't it just sqrt(2)*r - px = r ? (from the centre of the circle draw a hor line which will be equal to the length r, apply pythagoras theorm) => r(sqrt(2) - 1) = 1 => r = 1/((sqrt(2) - 1) = sqrt(2) + 1 Circumference = 2*pi*r ~ 5pi Ans D.
  11. 5^x/5^y=? 1) xy=5 2) x+y=11 Qn stem: => 5^(x-y) = ? Stmt 1: Insufficient as unique values of x and y cannot be derived Stmt 2: Insufficient as unique values of x and y cannot be derived Combining both, (x-y)^2 = (x+y)^2 - 4xy => (x-y)^2 = 81 => x-y = (+/-) 9 => 5^(x-y) can be 5^9 or 5^-9 Insufficient Ans E.
  12. Is x+y>0? 1). x/(x+y)>0 2). y/(x+y)>0 Stmt 1: Insufficient as x/(x+y)>0 with both numerator and denominator Stmt 2: Insufficient as y/(x+y) > 0 with both numerator and denominator Combining both, (x+y)/(x+y) > 0 => x+y can be -ve or +ve => Insufficient Ans E.
  13. w, x, y & z are integers, w/x & y/z are integers => (wz + xy)/xz is an integer Is (wz + xy)/xz odd? Stmt 1: wx + yz is odd => one of them is odd and the other is even assuming wx is odd and yz is even => w/x is odd but y/z can be odd or even => w/x + y/z can be odd or even Insufficient Stmt 2: wz + xy is odd => (wz+xy)/xz is odd as only odd/odd can result in an integer (Qn stem: w/x & y/z are integers => (wz + xy)/xz is an integer) Sufficient Ans B.
  14. Stmt 1: Counter example.. if y =5, RHS is 0 => x can be +5 or -5 to make x^2- y^2 = 0 => if x = +5, x^2 = xy; if x = -5; x^2 xy Insufficient Ans B. Another way to look at the qn stem: is x^2 = xy? => x^2-xy = 0? => x(x-y) = 0? => x = 0 or x = y..? Now it is easier to derive the ans..
  15. Sum = Ave*n = 62*5 = 310 Stmt 1: Smallest num = 310-(74*4) = 14 Insufficient as we do not know the largest num Stmt 2: Largest num = 310 - (40*4) = 150 Insufficient as we do not know the smallest num Combining both, range = 150-14 = 136 Sufficient Ans C..
  16. An+1 = 3*An + 1 A35 = 3*A34 +1 = 3*(3*A33+1)+1 = A1=2; A2=3A1+1; A3=3(3A1+1)+1; A4 =3*(3(3A1+1)+1)+1 =>A4 = 3^3A1+3^2+3+1 =>A35 = 3^34A1+(3^33+3^32+3^31+...3+1) 3^33+3^32+3^31+...3+1 = GP with r = 3 => Sn = a*(r^n - 1)/(r-1) =1(3^34 - 1)/2 => A35 = 3^34*2 + (3^34 - 1)/2 What are the ans choices?
  17. I think it is easier to solve using the pattern.. Ans - Line 7 Line 2: Num = 0,1; Den = 0,1 Line 3: N = 0,1,2; Den = 0,1,2,3 (Highest Den is derived by adding the 2 highest numerators..1+2 in this case) Line 4: N = 0,1,2,3; Den = 0,1,2,3,4,5 Line 5: N = 0,1,2,3,4; Den = 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 we need Numerator 6 => it should be in line 7 Possibilities will be N = 0,1,2,3,4,5,6; D = 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 Please let me know the ans
  18. Stmt 1: 1/A + 1/B = 2/C => (A+B)/AB = 2/C => if A = B => B = C or A = C => if A > B => B Sufficient Stmt 2: C Sufficient Ans D..
  19. 40 = 24x + y 60 = 30x + y => 6x = 20 & y = -40 100 = ax - 40 => ax = 140 => a = 42 as 6x = 20.. Ans -> 42
  20. C = 0.05S + 100000 Stmt 1: S = 110000 => C = 105500 Insufficient as we do not know the C of each product.. Stmt 2: Take the boundary value.. If num of products = 21000 Total Cost = 105000 Since C = 0.05S + 100000 => S = 100000 which is not possible as the sales made a profit => C > 105000 => num of products > 21000 Sufficient Ans B.
  21. Area of 2nd triangle = 2 * Area of Ist triangle 1/2(S)(h2) = 2 (1/2)(s)(h1) Similar triangles: h1/s = h2/S => h1/h2 = s/S => h1 = h2*s/S 1/2(S)(h2) = 2(1/2)(s)(h2*s/S) 1/2 S*S = s*s S = Sqrt(2)*s => C is the answer..
  22. tn = a + (n-1)d Letz work backwords.. G as the first point=> a = 3^12 and d = 3^11- 3^12 = -2*(3^11) => -(3^12) = 3^12 + (n-1)(-2*(3^11)) =>3 = n-1 => n = 4 => D is the point.. (G,F,E,D.... ) I believe, D is missing in the figure above..typo?
  23. Stmt 1: People who chose both = 60(75/100) = 45% Insufficient as we do not know how many chose neither.. Stmt 2: Let num of people who chose coffee = x People who chose both = 0.9x Insufficient Combining both, 0.9x = 45% => x = 50% Sufficient Ans C.
  24. Check the units digit.. 43^43 => check 3^43 => Units digit = 7 as (3,9,7,1 repeats for 3^n sequence) 33^43 => check 3^43=> Units digit = 3 => Remainder = 0
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