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A national curriculum for schools.

For an educational system to thrive a curriculum is essential because it acts like a guide. However, in my view, while a basic national curriculum is obviously needed, it should have some flexibilities depending on regions, communities etc. 
It is admitted that a basic national curriculum at school level will play crucial roles. Firstly, a common core curriculum will make the students aware of the basic principles of the education and the reason behind acquiring knowledge. Secondly, a common fundamental knowledge will make the students informed, and productive citizens. Thirdly, because of a general curriculum, it will be convenient for the college faculty to anticipate required curricula for higher study. And finally, the basic curriculum  will equip the students with necessary preconditions that are required to thrive a democratic nation.
However, a exclusive national curriculum will pose certain problems. First of all, who will be in charge of making the curriculum? Who will decide what types of courses to include and what to exclude? In all likelihood, it will be the federal legislators or the member of parliaments. They all have some quirky notion of what the children should learn and should not learn. Hence, there will have some dogma and biasness in the education system. At the same time, theses political leaders are susceptible to influence-peddling of the lobbyists who are only concern with their own interests, even these harmful for children education.
Secondly, there is a tremendous possibility that an exclusive national curriculum will bring political bias among the children-the future citizen of a nation. The curriculum can be used to disseminate propaganda by ruling party which in turn can hamper the main purpose of education- enlightenment. Moreover, the curriculum can be designed as such it will act as a manipulator of children and certainly, it will have a prolonged effect on the entire nation because these children will grow up with misinformation and fictitious knowledge, that is actually intentionally imposed on them.  
Finally, in countries with diverse cultural and traditional heritage,  an exclusive curriculum  might ignite racism. For instance, in the USA, which is elephantine in size and harbour a score of population who are culturally heterogeneous, a one size fits all principle might be proven drastic. Because by creating an exclusive curriculum for all, certain race, culture, community might be excluded from the curriculum. Hence, it will create a gap of knowledge of those cultures, traditions and races among the children at the same time they might contain negative connotation about the excluded communities.
Finally, a national curriculum for school might act as a two fold sword. It can enhance and shape the children for future, at the same it may mislead the prospective citizens of the nation about their own country’s people. Therefore, I believe that a homogeneous curriculum will work perfectly when there will be some flexibilities to add or eliminate based on state, race, religion, community etc.

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