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Everything posted by amber4e86

  1. It is probably possible to just format the data but I know for sure that there is an option to download time series on the WB website. I need at least 50 indicators so it would be easier to download them as time series instead of format each spreadsheet. Basically I am trying to do this: vba - How to "flatten" or "collapse" a 2D Excel table into 1D? - Stack Overflow on here: World Databank
  2. Hi everyone, I am trying to download time series data from the WB WDI data bank. However, when I download the data it is always cross country. I know that there is a way to make it time series, but cant remember how to do it. Please help me! If anyone goes to Columbia and knows how to access the data library through their Columbia account, please let me know.
  3. Hi Everyone, I have fellowship offers from CUNY and American University for Economics PhD and I have to make a decision by April 15th. The fellowships are roughly the same value (18K for CUNY and 19K for American). Many of you will advice me to look at the professors of each program and see if I have similar interests to theirs, but to be honest, I am not really sure what I want my focus to be. My general interests are macro and development, which are way too broad to be deciding factors. Which program would you choose? Thank you in advance!
  4. They interviewed at least 3 people today in-person (I saw two others waiting to be interviewed as I was leaving). Furthermore, I know that they have been talking to applicants via Skype. Fingers crossed!
  5. Has anyone heard from CUNY for Fall 2011 admissions? How does the program rank nationwide?
  6. I got my recommenders DVDs with documentaries that relate to their areas of interest and a book for my thesis adviser.
  7. I am pro-AU, because that's where I am going to be in the fall. I am also interested in government and non-government jobs, and I think DC is the place to be if that's what you are after. I lived in Germany for 2 months when I was in high-school and I did like it there. Then again, I do not know how easy it is to find a job in the US if your education is from abroad.
  8. I'm not talking about schools who reject you; I was referring to the graduate secretaries who treat you like crap if you dare to call them. Then they promise they would inquire about your application and call you back and they NEVER do it. For that particular school, it turned out that I had been accepted a while ago, but they forgot to email me. I also once spoke to a graduate secretary who thought that inquiring about a list of placements was irrelevant because I should know that placement happens only after I graduate. She didn't believe me that I was accepted with funding and she put me on hold for 10 minutes until she finally found my name on the list and only then gave me permission to ask a question. I think this is super-unprofessional. I understand that graduate secretaries are not the ones who accept or reject people, but they should at least try not to embarrass the schools they represent with their rude behavior. After all, it's their job to pick up the phone.
  9. In case anyone was wondering, I just accepted AU's offer. I am really sad that I won't be going to UMass since the people there are really nice. However, I went with my gut feeling, which told me that DC is the place for me. Thank you all for your help and I hope your decisions are easy and pain-free!
  10. If you do not accept it by April 15th, they probably know you are not going there. It really pisses me off how it takes ages to get accepted somewhere and everyone is rude to you if you dare to inquire about your application that you PAID for! At the same time, we all try to be super-nice when rejecting offers. I think this is simply wrong.
  11. Hi everyone, Can you recommend a source that talks about the external debt obligations of these three countries? Questions that interest me: In what currency do they owe money? To whom? What are their current debt-to-GDP ratios? (I found a couple of sources on this one but there are significant differences in numbers, so Im not sure whether to trust them) Thank you all in advance!
  12. What you are trying to do with this survey is compare interpersonal utility. I think you should add a question where you ask specifically about success rate because otherwise you are just comparing apples with oranges.
  13. Hi everyone, Ive always thought that the completion of a PhD program takes 5 years, sometimes more. However, funding at one of the departments where I am accepted is only guaranteed for 4 years. I called the department to ask them why this is so and they said that most of their students finish their PhD in 4 years or are working full time in their 5th year while finishing up their dissertations. At another one of the schools where I am accepted, the funding is guaranteed for 6 years, which makes me think that this is how long it usually takes to complete the program. My question is, is it viable to complete a PhD program in 4 years? Which school would you pick if you had to make this choice? Thanks in advance!
  14. I called last week too and was told that if I havent heard from them, it's probably a rejection.
  15. Yes, but unfortunately, I did not apply there. Plus, I can not afford to go to a school without funding. CUNY accepted me too, but I don't think I can go to school and work full time, it will be a waste of my PhD.
  16. In the email, they say that there are teaching opportunities, but they did not mention anything other than that.
  17. Thank you for your encouraging words. I have always wanted to live in a city and since I did not get funded offers in NYC (except for Fordham), the next best choice is DC in terms of location. I wish I could just take UMass and place it right in the middle of Manhattan. Wouldn't that be awesome? :))
  18. Admits from CUNY are not over yet. I just got an unfunded offer via email. Then again, I called to inquire about my status last week.
  19. I also put on my CV that I've won a national public speaking competition... in high school. I think it will be relevant my entire life, no matter how old/recognized I get.
  20. Thank you all for your insightful comments. I was happy yesterday when there were more votes for American and I was almost convinced that I should email them today to enroll in the program. Then today at about 2pm there were just as many votes for UMass, and now there are more votes for UMass. I guess polls are not a good idea unless you set a time when you close them. Because I have the feeling that if I check again a couple of hours from now, the results will be completely different. Help!
  21. Lol, thanks. But I do think that location is extremely important, esp. when your choices are between many well-recognized programs. In only 4 months of living in NYC I made more connections with people that have influenced my life positively than I did over 5 years of living in the US. The jobs are more and... well, let's just say that the city is fabulous and inspiring in many ways.
  22. Out of these schools, I only applied to NYU because I have always wanted to live in NYC. All of these programs are so highly ranked that you can't possibly make the wrong decision no matter which one you pick. Congrats!
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