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Everything posted by 2019Econ

  1. I've noticed quite a few people have already been interviewed and few others got rejected by CM. I still havent heard anything from that. Does it mean Im on wL?
  2. Yes its 8 months. He started in fall 2018 and hes going to be done at the end of April I believe. I don't think he's found a job yet. Job applications and presentations start in September I believe and you have to be very fast to attend those events and apply to places. I wanted to go to Queens open house but I have a couple of midterms this week and I am also behind in a couple of projects. I hope youll really like it if you decide to go
  3. Thanks man! Really hope you've/ will get into the place you want to go to :)
  4. Same as you bro. I uploaded my Queens admission letter so that hopefully they can offer me a little more funding. In any case, I am planning to accept. Its going to be really hard to say no to Queens though. There are amazing people there. Btw I asked my friend who is currently finish MA @ U of T. He told me he got the exact same funding offer last year. In the summer, they asked him if he wanted to work more as a TA and he said yes and now in total he would have made 12k from TA. Not guaranteed of course, but I find it a really nice piece of information
  5. Aww thanks bro. I have been dreaming about this school for awhile. Also was losing hope in the last couple of days
  6. I GOT INTO TORONTO. I cant believe it the email came Saturday
  7. Damn the pressure is really escalating
  8. Personally not going to ask for an extension from Queens. I believe grad assistant @ u of t will help me get a response before March 20th. In any case, by that day i plan to make a firm decision
  9. I think U of T grad assistant just forwarded my Queens Admission letter to their Admission Commitee today. She told me to get back to her on March 15th if I dont hear from them before then
  10. @White noise. Yeah. Thats what professors at my school are telling me. Honestly there is no right or wrong decision here. Its all subjective. My fear with Queens is the program ends in August and I would be afraid that some PhD programs would already start at the beginning of August but maybe I am just worrying about it too much. The thing I really like about Queens is it has a masters essay. Unfortunately, I cannot use it on my PhD application if I am applying right away. Its a really tough decision. Wherever I go tho, I have already reasoned with myself that I have to establish really good relationship with couple of profs and get involved with anything research based
  11. Yeah I know. Queens is a really really good school. If I go there for my masters, Im really happy. The problem is Kingston. Back in the fall, I thought I would try to take some PhD courses in my masters program. But I talked to my buddy whos doing masters at u of t right now, he said PHD courses are extremely hard and people get very low grades there. I also talked to Queens grad chair on the phone today and he said PHD courses at Queens are harder now. So Ill just stick to the basics, taking all the courses at masters level and hopefully showing good grades in my phd application
  12. If I got into Toronto, I wouldnt do a PHD stream but I would apply to PhD there. My ultimate goal is to get into a good US school for PhD. When Ill be applying for PHD in the fall, Ill be applying to bunch of US schools and Western+UBC+Toronto. No safety schools for me as I only desire to do PHD at a good school. BTW I view Queens very highly, its just I dont want to be stuck living in Kingston for 5+ years I am still waiting on Western acceptance. Ill most likely still choose Queens or Toronto so that I dont have to deal with the bs of telling them that I am only interested in completing their Masters. I also don't want to ruin relationship with them as I want to apply to their PhD program as well. I just want to have as much freedom applying as I can and I know at Western they really want you to do MA+PHD stream
  13. Yeah I live here in London. All my friends and family are here. If i went to UBC I would only be able to visit like once in the entire year. Toronto is also much more convinient for me than Kingston. Just a 2 hours drive. Thats why I am getting so impatient. This thing is driving me crazy.
  14. Did u get in ? I think im putting Queens over UBC but if I got into UBC I would use it as a bargaining chip for u of t
  15. Ok so I emailed the grad assistant @ U of T. They said that they are hoping to have first offers sent by early March. They asked me to send them my Queens Letter so that they can forward it to admissions committee and hopefully make a decision before march 20th
  16. I have just emailed them today. I have no more patience for this. Last year they sent out acceptances much faster
  17. Im getting so sick of waiting. Its been so so so slow
  18. Thanks man. I really appreciate it. And she didn't say whether other people have received offers?
  19. I would say the latter. Juniors learn from seniors and profs are becoming more knowledgeable about grad school programs.
  20. Looking at u of t acceptances and Ettore post, i dont know what to think anymore. I can only fully trust whitenoise lol
  21. My friend who has a perfect profile hasnt heard anything from them either. Hes the guy who got Friday acceptance into Queens and my other friend from same school with the exact same profile got into u of t last year the first day. Both are canadian
  22. I hope they are rolling out acceptances throughout the day I remember tho that on tuesday someone got into queens in the morning and I didn't get an email until afternoon.
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