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Everything posted by arindambanerji

  1. Total Choices = 800*1000 Samples = 60 60/1000*800
  2. Stock Number of shares Before and After transaction V - 68 - 68 W - 112 - 112 X - 56 - 36 Y - 94 - 118 Z - 45 - 45 Previous range - 67 (112-45) Range after transaction - 82 (118-36) Increase = 82 - 67 = 15 D
  3. hardikrs... take 26p4 common from both..i hope this makes clear
  4. Thanks seahawk for the explanation, Sorry Sasen, I dont have any such list. I read it in some post.
  5. I guess u need to know the theorm to solve this...anyone for any simpler solution to this..
  6. k^4 is divided by 32, which means k^4> = 32 and a multiple of 32 The minimum possible value of k^4 = 256; and k = 4 Hence, k = 4n Possible remainders would be - all multiples of 4 from 4 till 28 and 0 0 4 8 12 16 20 . . . . . . 28 What is the "following"?
  7. 2. For four letter it will be 26^4 For four letter it will be 26^5 Hence total = 26^4+26^5 = 27*(26^4)
  8. 1. Apply distance formula (x2-x1)^2 + (y2-y1)^2 = Radius^2 Radius remains the same
  9. h(n) = ( 2*4*6*...n-2*n) h(100)+1 = (2*4*6*.....*98*100) + 1 = 2^50(1*2*...49*50) + 1 = 2^50(50!) + 1 Wilsons Theorm n!+1 cannot be divisible by any number less than or equal to n. so n has to be 50 or above... Ans E
  10. More than series it is a set of numbers {2,2,,...24, 24, 2..etc} Answer could be C or E. Check the question.
  11. Students didnt participate for maths only = 10 -2 = 8 Students didnt participate for science only = 15 -2 = 13 Students participated for maths and science = 50 - 2 = 48 Students participated in maths = 48 - 8 = 40 Students participated in science = 48 - 13 = 35 Hence students participating in both = 40 + 35 - 48 = 27
  12. Total chairs = x+y-1 tow boys sit on one chair and girl on each chair we are left with 3 so Total chairs = x/2+y+3 solving both we get x = 8 Boys = 8
  13. There will be 50 digits in S50, and the first number will be and starting from (49*50)/2+1 = 1225+1 =1226 S50 = {1226, 1227,.......,1275} so sum = 50/2 * (1226+1275) = 62525
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