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Everything posted by jmbamba

  1. jmbamba

    TM e-Library

    I think that site is the entry point on TM. With an e-library, the threads will not be populated by people asking for resources to be emailed to them.
  2. jmbamba

    TM e-Library

    I'm quite new to the forum, but I've noticed something. To find resources, you have to skim all the posts and is somestimes hard. And often, links are nomore working. Is it possible to have an eLibrary on TM? Where useful resources are stored by content type. The contents may be submitted to moderators approval. What do u think of it?
  3. Take a deep breath, it'll take some time to reach the end! The test day - Going to the test center I went to the test center one week before the test date to identify the place and decide how I'll be going there on the d-day. I decided to go for a 30 min trip bus + walk. But! - there comes a but - on the d-day, I left the office at 12.30 as planned and went to the bus stop at 12.40. The bus was supposed to be there by 12.42. I was singing praises with my MP3 and didn’t watch the time. After four songs, I checked my watch: 12.58. Oh God! I'm supposed to be at the test center at 1.15. At that very time, a guy told us at the bus stop that there will be no bus at that stop for the rest of the day, due to a manifestation of anti CPE students (yous probably heard of that in the news, a french government reform undergoing huge opposition from the street). Okayyyyy. Now let see if ad works. I tried a number I had see on tv ad, busy. Tried a second one and it worked and managed to have a taxi. Thank God that day I had some € on my account and could to pay a taxi 25€. Finally reached the test center at 1.18. Tried to calm down, talking to a girl there coming from london to take a test of "certified behavioural analyst". The check-in was ok and now in the room. Choose my school, because, you know, the school will have you complete GMAT transcript for the last five years. So it’s uneconomic to no send them your scores freely. - The essays The argument went first, and next the issue. I even managed to have 5 paras in both, which is a great deal for me. I think the key here was the strategy, and of course the template. Took 5mins of the break. - The quant Nothing special to say, except I had to guess on two questions and that I finished 10 second before gong, crazy for a guy used to finish 10 mins before the gong. Took 2 mins of the break. - The verbal On the verbal part, I am obliged to mention that I was delighted to have short RC passages. Very delighting to read. I have seen this tendency in Gprep, and the real test is just like that. I think, the new GMAT has a new generation of RC passages. I must regret the noisy people speaking next door and in the corridors. May be that’s why my verbal score was so low. I don’t know for you, but I need a great deal of concentration to handle the verbal. So I would recommend that you take to the test center some noise protection stuff, to be prepared to the worst. Finally, got a 720. Globally, I think there’s not so much difference with the level of Gprep. The prep I prepared for about 7 weeks: 2 weeks in june and 5 from mid February. Definetely, the most interesting part was when I discovered TM by end of feb, when TM ws mentioned by a guy at an info in my dreamed b-school. The guy mentioned gmatclub and TM. I went first on gmtclub, but it was not interesting, not so clear, and t some extent no so active as TM was. I definitely adoptedTM. A great site, with great guys. I had so much with you guys, thank you so much. Now I’m done with the test, I don’t how I can leave without guys. Hey, don’ tell it to my wife). At the beginning of my prep, I purchased the content of 800score.com. Actually, I think that the strategies are good but the questions don’t seems to be up-to-date. I believe Gmat prep is sufficient for math review. One only need a book of strategy to be complete. May be here on TM we can design one, based upon our huge experience. What do you think? - AWA: template, skim the topics, skim example where needed I should say that after I downloaded the AWA topics from mba.com, I realized I was uninspired on some of them. Hey man, come on. The test is in two weeks, you have to be inspired on every of these topics, you may encounter one of them on the test. And then came the miracle…on TM, a word doc with more than 200 topics covered, of which 115 issue essays. Oh, this great site! I reviewed the topics on which I was stucked and It was ok. Practice a couple of time to use my template and it was ok with AWA. So let me share a strategy for AWA section: 1. Understand the task of both type of essay 2. Understand how it rated by reviewing the rated ones in Gprep 3. Try to write two or four ones 4. look around and design your own template. You can also use one the one you will find in the various resources available. 5. Now, download the list of topics from mba.com, and make sure you through all of them, marking those on which you are stucked 6. Review the marked subject in the AWA templates 7. Practice again on two or four 8. Now you should be ready for the d-day. Before I leave you guys, I should says that you have to practice at least one time the complete test: two AWA + one quant + one verbal. The GMAT is a long marathon so you have to be prepared to endure the distance. Now, I’ll leave you. Glad you read to this point. Lemme know if you have someothers questions. Will reply as soon as…
  4. Hi guys, I from the test center. A 'little' 720. A score quite similar to my Gpreps (730 twice), tough my actual verbal is somehow low. But, I'm glad, I didn't get a 800! One thing I should share is that RC passages are very short, shorter than we are used with powerprep or other materials. And thus more readable. Just lemme know if u hav any question.
  5. May be we should write a petition to view. In the test center today, i heard people discussing loudly in the other room, other walking in the corridors... And all this when I was in the Verbal. Grrrrrr. This GMAT is very demanding and we need a quiet place to perform at our best. Keyur, definetely, I agree with the others that you should admit log the case to vue.
  6. Hi madinhell. Were will take the test? Last time you said there was a problem in ur place.
  7. for free resources, you can look at http://www.www.urch.com/forums/just-finished-my-gmat/34966-750-99-q-50-95-v-41-93-a-8.html
  8. "within 1 standard deviation of the mean" ask for number that are µ-1*std and µ+1*std, where µ is the mean and std the standard deviation. Given the values, it's the number between 9.7 and 10.3. We have 6 numbers in that range, so the percentage is 3/4=75%. U can have a look at this site http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_deviation
  9. A small mistake, but has no impact on the result. f(100) + 1 = 2*4*6*8....*100 + 1 = (2^50)(1*2*3*4*5...50) + 1 And as you said it, if x=kn, there's no way x+1 equals k'n. So if n is a factor of x, n can never be a factor of x+1. So none of the factors of (2^50)(1*2*3*4*5...50) can be a factor of f(100)+1. It then follows that the smallest prime factor of f(100)+1 is greater than 50. Answer E.
  10. ok. Very curious. Mod(x)=|x|! Thanks. Never come on this before.
  11. in arithmetic sequences, tn= t0 + nr = t1 + (n-1)r, where r is the rate of progression. For the given sequence, the formula is tn = t1 -3(n-1). So the answer is n-1=(23-(-4))/3=9 so n=8.
  12. Just look at this http://www.www.urch.com/forums/just-finished-my-gmat/34966-750-99-q-50-95-v-41-93-a-8.html It's the debrieffing of a 750 guy! Contains link very useful resources.
  13. for vermouth: 40% of n ounces is 40n/100 = 4n/10 = 2*2n / 2*5 = 2n/5 for gin: 60% of n is 60n/100 = 6n/10 = 2*3n/2*5 = 3n/5
  14. m=36 (1/5)^m * (1/4)^18 = (1/5^m)*(1/4^18)=1/((5^m)*(4^18)) = 1/((5^m)*(2^36)) And 1 / (2 * (10)^35) = 1/(2*(2^35)*(5^35))= 1/((2^36)*(5^35)) Thus 1/((5^m)*(2^36)) = 1/(2^36)*(5^35) thus m = 35. that was what i was looking for. The problem has been discussed before: http://www.www.urch.com/forums/gmat-math/43230-exponent-question-gmat-prep.html
  15. you can have a look at this http://www.www.urch.com/forums/gmat/994-gmat-study-plan.html
  16. Please, can someone explain? what is "ModX"
  17. |x/3|=|x|/|3|=|x|/3. Thus, if |x/3|>1, then |x|/3 >1 and |x|>3. The only convenient answer choice is D, x3. Choice E "x3 but x >-3.
  18. I think manish get it well. dm101 and sdasar, you solve it as if the investement had compounded intersts, but the stem states that the investment has simple interest. Therefore, the fomula is A(n)=x (1 + r*n) , where n is the number of years, r the annual interest rate, x the initial investment and A the amount of the investment after n years. The questions states that A(25/3)=2x therefore, 2x=x(1+25/3*r). It follows that r=3/25. So after 25 years, A(25)=x(1+25*3/25)=4x. The answer is 4x.
  19. raasher, as sammy06 said, it should be 2 ^ (x+y)^2 / 2 ^ (x-y) ^2 U solve it this way: 2 ^ (x+y)^2 / 2 ^ (x-y) ^2 = 2^[(x+y)²-(x-y)²] = 2^[x²+y²+2xy-x²-y²+2xy] = 2^[4xy] = 2^4 = 16 I still don't why I read it like "if xy = 1 what is the value of (x+y)^2 / (x-y)^2". Either a bug of my eyes, not likely because even my wife checked the question, or a bug of GP? Who knows!
  20. I actually went through this one on GP, but given the answer choices (integer values like 6, 12, 23, and so on), I concluded there must surely be sthg missing. Consider: 1) x=2 and y=1/2. (x+y)^2 / (x-y)^2=(5/3)^2=25/9 2) x=3 and y=1/3. (x+y)^2 / (x-y)^2=(5/4)^2=25/16 We get two different values whereas, given the answer choices, we should get only one for value for every pair (x,y) respecting xy=1. Anyone has another idea? Ah ok! Now it's clearer! And as you said, pretty easy! Answer: 16.
  21. People playing at least two instruments are in the sets PnG, PnV and GnV. Each of these sets contains the people playing three instruments (PnGnV). Thus, to have the people playing exactly two instruments, we should subtract PnGnV three times. 20= 35 - 3*3 - X and X=6.
  22. Hey my dear, I'm very sorry, didn't proofread. I should have wrote this: From the sketch, we can get C(PuGuV)=C(P) + C(G) + C(V) - C(PnG) - C(PnV) - C(GnV). So C(PnG) + C(PnV) + C(GnV) = 35-20 = 15. Still from the sketch, we see that the set (PnG) u (PnV) u (GnV) contains three times (PnGnV) which is people playing three instruments. So The number of people playing two instruments is 15 - 3*3= 6
  23. like gsunder 23 said, B doesnt help. It the tricky thing. Consider u=1 and v=-1. The two points will be (1,-1) and (1, 0), the second being nearer to (0,0). Consider now u=1 and v=-1/3. The two points will be (1, -1/3) and (1, 2/3), the first being nearer to (0,0). We have two different conclusions. The correct choice is A.
  24. Hope this helps 3^x-3^(x-1) = 3^(x-1)*3 - 3^(x-1) = (3^(x-1))(3-1)=(3^(x-1))*2
  25. "more so than" is a curious form for me. However, the sentence should convey a comparison between women taking a second career and women stopping work early (after one single career). The only choice providing it is C: "than those who retired early". So C is the correct choice. I think so here is used like a conjunction, meaning thus or therefore. Thanks to babylon!
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