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Anyone who has taken the test after Feb 2020: Would you please shed some light on what kind of changes have been made in speaking questions.


Thanks in advance and await your comments soon.


Pharm D :grad:

Anyone who has taken the test after Feb 2020 ?]


Do you mean Feb. 2010, don't you ?

Did ETS change the format in speaking section ? Are you sure about this ?



I took exam on Febraury 13,2010. There was no change,but if you mean they have changed it in March,I don't know about it.


hi this is zoni i recently joined this forum .please tell me about yr toefl ibt test experiance. my test is on april 24, 2010


There have, in fact, been some subtle changes to the format of some questions (based on what my students have informed me from taking the test in late January and February, 2010) - though I suspect these will now be mixed in with the same question formats that were featured previously.


I've made a couple of videos discussing some of these changes on YouTube:



and a follow up here:



In addition, I get a constant stream of feedback and impressions from my online students who take the test, and we usually raise and discuss these sorts of things on my Facebook page:


TOEFL Mentor (Jason Renshaw) | Facebook



I hope all that helps, and as I get more information I will be sure to post it.


All the best,


~ Jason


There are some changes - albeit fairly minor - and this is not a ridiculous rumor. What a rude way to address people who are giving up their time to be informative and help others.


I got these details directly from my students who took their tests in February and March, and they have zero, ZERO reason to be silly and lie and start spreading incorrect rumors.


Just because the test you took one time did not include some of these changes does not mean others haven't experienced some variations, nor that future test takers won't either.


Please, show some respect and basic manners.


Thank you,


~ Jason

Actually, there is a change in some tests. I took the test on December 11, 2009 and it was the first time i see a new formate for question one. But i took the test yesterday and it was the same old formate. So maybe the ETS doesn't consider this a new formate as it is still considered an open choice question. But you should talk about something you don't like, instead of something you like.
hi f pharma, this is mqblm please guide me about toefl ibt .I have my toefl test due by next month.Please share your toefl experiece.And give me some useful tips about speaking and writing section.I ll really appreciate your response.
hi f pharma please share your experience of toefl ibt especially speaking and writing section.I ll really appreciate it.



This is my 3rd time taking the Toefl IBT and still have not gotten the required score in the speaking section as well. In the writing section only one time I got 25.

To be honest with you, I my self don't know how to prepare for the test, every time my score gets better than the previous one but I didn't prepare at all..The conclusion is that; there is no magic advice that will make our score higher..we just need to practice ...practice..and practice.


Good luck!

Posted (edited)

well,,, I had the test on March, 20th so do not have my results yet... question one was the same as before, question 2 has agree/disagree format for a certain statement.....


I will try to post more about my experience but I need to know my results first...I just have one question,, did any one experience any problems in the microphone? for me, in the beginning the voice-check did not work so I had to try 5 times at least and the only way that made it work was holding the mic with my hand very close to my mouth and speak really loud and that was very bad.. I got nervous..so this was very annoying:mad::mad::mad::mad: and I screwed up in the first question!!!!!!!!:rolleyes:

Edited by rainy_cloud
There are some changes - albeit fairly minor - and this is not a ridiculous rumor. What a rude way to address people who are giving up their time to be informative and help others.


I got these details directly from my students who took their tests in February and March, and they have zero, ZERO reason to be silly and lie and start spreading incorrect rumors.


Just because the test you took one time did not include some of these changes does not mean others haven't experienced some variations, nor that future test takers won't either.


Please, show some respect and basic manners.


Thank you,


~ Jason


Well MR. Jason, I just took the test last week, it was in the same format, NO CHANGES NO CHANGES, anyway you told me to show some respect and manners ( Which is a very rude way to reply to criticism ), and I just want to tell you I am sorry that I got your products, and really it is very basic and nothing special in it. And really I am sorry that I gave you my money and really I need some manners !!!!!


People no changes in the test. ( don't buy scams )


Rainman 72,


I don't know what you are up to but I assure that Jason Renshaw is an excellent TOEFL teacher. He is not a scam. I can say that he is one of the experts about TOEFL speaking, according to my experience. All of my friends passed the TOEFL speaking because of his help. Many people and I respect him. Please do not be angry at me. I know that you are stressed out from taking this test but please do not take it on him.


Thank you for your understanding. I will not respond with you further about this issue on this thread . I would like to see people in the forum being nice to each other. There are many polite ways to express disagreement. Please...please..be kind....


Good luck on your future endeavors.

for me, in the beginning the voice-check did not work so I had to try 5 times at least and the only way that made it work was holding the mic with my hand very close to my mouth and speak really loud and that was very bad.. I got nervous..so this was very annoying:mad::mad::mad::mad: and I screwed up in the first question!!!!!!!!:rolleyes:


Next time, ask for a new microphone or come early because test centers always have microphones in spare.


Thank you for your support Knok.


Actually, rainman72 is still currently a member of my TOEFL speaking mentor program, and has been since October last year! While I do wonder why someone would continue to pay for a service they (evidently) feel is "nothing special" and a "scam", I also wonder why rainman72 has never once personally contacted me to express his concerns or dissatisfaction. It's not exactly pleasant to see things expressed with these words and in this manner on a public forum where people ought to be dedicated to being helpful and collaborative. All I can say is, the pressure and frustration associated with TOEFL and not getting a required passing score over a long period of time can obviously bring out the nastier side of us, but there have to be limits.


Rainman72, I have contacted you privately to discuss these issues you have (which is how things should have been handled from the start), along with a recommendation you cancel your subscription if you really feel it isn't helping you. If, on the other hand, this is just a moment of frustration and you want to continue with my program, I'd like you to know that you are still welcome.


Getting back to the main topic here, according to reports from my students, there are now actually THREE possible question types/variations appearing for Question 1 in the speaking section:


A. Talk about a person/place/event (etc.) ~ the one we're all pretty much used to

B. Talk about something you don't/didn't like (basically working with a negative topic angle)

C. Give advice to a friend about ....


I'm not sure whether ETS is just experimenting with new question variations, or is in fact trying to broaden the range of prompts to make the test more challenging for preparation purposes (goodness, it was tough enough before!). The important thing to remember is that, despite the difference in question frame and direction, your answer can still be aligned along a central strategy:


1. State your topic

2. Describe

3. Give reasons and support them


If you're wondering how the "describe" factor applies to the "advice to a friend" topic variation, basically it would mean "describe what you would say to your friend" or "explain the specific advice you would give". Following that you would provide some reasoning for this suggestion, hopefully with examples to back them up.


The same essential answer style/strategy should help you handle any of these potential variations in question prompt for independent speaking task 1.


Best wishes to all test-takers,


~ Jason

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I took TOEFL test once in December, February and March and I noticed a change in format of question 1 - asking about negative opinion, describe why it is important to students etc. As Jason said I think ETS is experimenting with different questions.
Rainman 72,


I don't know what you are up to but I assure that Jason Renshaw is an excellent TOEFL teacher. He is not a scam. I can say that he is one of the experts about TOEFL speaking, according to my experience. All of my friends passed the TOEFL speaking because of his help. Many people and I respect him. Please do not be angry at me. I know that you are stressed out from taking this test but please do not take it on him.


Thank you for your understanding. I will not respond with you further about this issue on this thread . I would like to see people in the forum being nice to each other. There are many polite ways to express disagreement. Please...please..be kind....


Good luck on your future endeavors.


Thank you knock for your reply, I was frustrated when I saw this topic, we already having time & we don't need anyone to confuse us, and then Mr. Renshaw came with his nice words about me, so I had to reply.


Thanks anyway

Thank you for your support Knok.


Actually, rainman72 is still currently a member of my TOEFL speaking mentor program, and has been since October last year! While I do wonder why someone would continue to pay for a service they (evidently) feel is "nothing special" and a "scam", I also wonder why rainman72 has never once personally contacted me to express his concerns or dissatisfaction. It's not exactly pleasant to see things expressed with these words and in this manner on a public forum where people ought to be dedicated to being helpful and collaborative. All I can say is, the pressure and frustration associated with TOEFL and not getting a required passing score over a long period of time can obviously bring out the nastier side of us, but there have to be limits.


Rainman72, I have contacted you privately to discuss these issues you have (which is how things should have been handled from the start), along with a recommendation you cancel your subscription if you really feel it isn't helping you. If, on the other hand, this is just a moment of frustration and you want to continue with my program, I'd like you to know that you are still welcome.


Getting back to the main topic here, according to reports from my students, there are now actually THREE possible question types/variations appearing for Question 1 in the speaking section:


A. Talk about a person/place/event (etc.) ~ the one we're all pretty much used to

B. Talk about something you don't/didn't like (basically working with a negative topic angle)

C. Give advice to a friend about ....


I'm not sure whether ETS is just experimenting with new question variations, or is in fact trying to broaden the range of prompts to make the test more challenging for preparation purposes (goodness, it was tough enough before!). The important thing to remember is that, despite the difference in question frame and direction, your answer can still be aligned along a central strategy:


1. State your topic

2. Describe

3. Give reasons and support them


If you're wondering how the "describe" factor applies to the "advice to a friend" topic variation, basically it would mean "describe what you would say to your friend" or "explain the specific advice you would give". Following that you would provide some reasoning for this suggestion, hopefully with examples to back them up.


The same essential answer style/strategy should help you handle any of these potential variations in question prompt for independent speaking task 1.


Best wishes to all test-takers,


~ Jason


Mr. Jason, thanks for your reply, I would like to tell you that I am still a member until now , because I forgot how to have access to your member page, I forgot my password. I remember I joined your writing & speaking and I cancelled the writing and I thought I cancelled the speaking, but thanks for reminding me. Thank you for your effort I wish you all the success in helping us to pass this nightmare.


Hi Rainman72

I am sorryto hear about the situation.

I believe if the person is passing from tension, he or she should not write any bad words that affects anyone.

Here Jason Renshaw who is an amazing tutor and not a scam 100 percent and if some uses bad words for him then it is the matter of shame.

I firmly believe here moderator should not allow these type of posts at any cost.

Many people are in the same situation but it does not mean you write whatever you want.:)


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