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Everything posted by Aumann

  1. I think this statement sums it up perfectly, from what I have heard the cream from South American programs place fantastically. If you can attend one and be on top, then do it. Attending a European program will give you a very high chance of placing into a good European program (if thats your goal) and a fair chance of placing into a good US program
  2. Interesting, I wonder how comparable your odds of getting into the MSc with the Postgrad Diploma are to your odds of progression via the 2 year course. If they're similar it would save you several thousand pounds
  3. Interesting how a technological change can blow apart a fairly well founded theory and make it sound ridiculous. Thank god for condoms!:tup:
  4. I would also be very interested to hear peoples experience with this course, I've been considering it as a last resort backup
  5. Be mindful that the diploma you want is the Diploma for Graduates, not the standard diploma.
  6. Do you mean the postgrad diploma through the University of London External System?
  7. Sometimes, for no reason when I'm hanging around with my girlfriend I'll cry out "Butt Scatchers.... BUTT Scratchers???" It confuses the hell out of her.
  8. I think you missed the facetiousness
  9. I would guess that teaching load would be more of an issue than their research. Particularly with young lecturers in the UK, who have a much larger teaching load than their American counterparts
  10. Sorry, I'll revise it down a bit: LSE Oxford Chicago Queen Mary's U Manchester Metropolitan U Harvard Harvard GSB Harvard Kennedy School Harvard Department of English MIT I'm pretty sure noone can honestly disagree without intentionally trying to stir up trouble
  11. Aumann


    That test was strangely enjoyable :blush:
  12. Rocking the boat: Departments Worldwide (see my US ranking) MIT Harvard Chicago Stanford Princeton Oxford Berkeley LSE Northwestern Yale
  13. You would surely need to bring that GPA up to 3.5....
  14. Right, but I think that it is necessary for all EU students who don't graduate from the top program in their country. Purely on the basis that you are then known by the US adcoms in terms of your MA/MSc course.
  15. Resreach program students are NOT MRes students. You are right, MSc (Research) and MSc students take the exact same courses. Both take the MSc courses, MRes couses are only taken by a few MSc courses and PhD students.
  16. I think the OP is well aware that Oxford would be a great experience. I see it this way: You'd be trading two years of your life in for an experience. Would it be worth it? Academically you won't gain anything, except that comps will be easier. Experience wise, I'm not sure quite how much more Oxford can offer you, you're going to a top 5 department. Also, I don't think an MSc is ever relaxing.
  17. I would go for this option, theres also the prestigious post-doc positions too. Alternatively the 1 year MSc would be your next best bet, either development of financial economics.
  18. No sorry I was asking fp3690 Sorry I wrote that in a bit of a rush, I meant to say that by the time you start the 5th week of lectures (i.e. 1 month of lectures have elapsed) it is already early November, at which point you should really be letting your lecturer that you might want a LOR Yes, however I'm in the maths department not the econ department and my course tends to only have a few applicants to econ programs each year.
  19. Since the MPhil is a 2 year course, I cannot understand why you'd want to do this, career wise you'd be wasting alot of precious time.
  20. Is that counting LSE as a top 10 program? (that could open a whole can of worms by itself). Obviously that makes a difference
  21. would you care to guess the approximate proportion of msc students aiming for econ grad school?
  22. You'd be better off not using LORs from LSE staff. As already stated, your LOR will be generic and say very little unless you can somehow make a huge impact (and I would say you need to do this within the first month not the first 2.5 months, lecture 5 of the first term will be early November). If you're trying to get a letter from a lecturer teaching the micro/macro/metrics courses then you'll be just one out of dozens trying the same. I know people who have placed very well from LSE (not just from the econ and eme courses either), but they tend to have prepared letter writers in advance.
  23. from what I've heard about finance jobs, there more concerned about your quantitative background than what it is you actually know about. So id say metrics and micro...
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