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Everything posted by simple27

  1. Looks like foible is being used as the tip of a sword here opposite its base, so I'd go with D, retention as the opposite of something that is vexatious.
  2. I eliminate B, D, and E because "it" is an inappropriate pronoun, regardless of how one may feel about Republicans and Christians, and elimiate A because the they in "demanding that they" is ambiguous. IMO, C.
  3. No referent on "it", so eliminate A, B, and E, "amount that is able to be used" is wordy. IMO, D.
  4. Sorry to be a party pooper, but "the splitting" here functions as a gerund and not a participle. Participles are adjectival in function. Gerunds function exclusively as nouns.
  5. In the late 1880s, the journalist Jacob Riis visited tenement dwellings in several impoverished New York City neighborhoods to investigate housing conditions and photograph immigrant tenants' apartments, whose interiors were inhumanely overcrowded, their floors often serving as beds, and their walls often windowless and dilapidated with age and neglect. IMO A. Having interiors... seems to function as a modifier, modifying Jacob Riis. B and C lack parallell structure.
  6. What's wrong w/ B? C sounds awkward to me.
  7. Dead on. I read too quickly and thought "in those" were being compared w/ human runner. I revise answer to C!
  8. IMO C. 1. Incorrect comparison btwn human runners and horses in B, D, and E. 2. Unnecessary "they" in A
  9. IMO B. increase in ultraviolet radiation ... 1) will endanger human health 2) may even threaten
  10. IMO C, and I don't u/s why E'd work. I hope I never get one of these.
  11. IMO E Due to poaching and increased cultivation in their native habitats, researchers have determined that there are fever than 100 Arabian leopards left in the wild, and that these leopards are thus many times as rare as china’s giant pandas. Due to poaching and increased cultivation in their native habitats, researchers have determined that there are fever than 100 Arabian leopards left in the wild, and that these leopards are thus many times as rare as - misplaced modifier Due to poaching and increased cultivation in their native habitats, there are fewer than 100 Arabian leopards left in the wild, researchers have determined, making them many times more rare than. - ambiguous pronoun There are fewer than 100 Arabian leopards left in the wild due to poaching and increased cultivation in their native habitats, researchers have determined, which makes many leopards many times more rare compared to - needs more...than(??) Researchers have determined that, because of being poached and increased cultivation in their native habitats, there are fewer than 100 Arabian leopards left in the wild, thus making them many more times as rare as - awkward Researchers have determined that, because of poaching and increased cultivation in their native habitats, there are fewer than 100 Arabian leopards left in the wild, and that these leopards are thus many times more rare than
  12. In the early songs of the Beatles, one hears plaintive Blues-inspired melodies that would seem to be more a product of rural southern America than an English industrial city. A. a product of rural southern America than an English industrial city B. a product from rural southern America than that of an English industrial city C. produced in rural southern America than by an English industrial city D. a product out of rural southern American than from an English industrial city E. a product of rural sourthern America than of an English industrial city I have some reservations about the OA. OA is: E
  13. IMO E as well. Last year in the United States, women who ran for state and national offices were about as likely to win as men. However, only about fifteen percent of the candidates for these offices were women. Therefore, the reason there are so few women who win elections for these offices is not that women have difficulty winning elections but that [because] so few women want to run. If they know they can't get funding to compete in the race, what's the point of running? It can be that they don't want to run, because it's pointless.
  14. IMO D. Participial construction, "perpetuating by geographic isolation" sounds odd
  15. IMO D. If 8 billion is squandered by inefficient EQ, then 2 billion is not squandered. The restaurant business wastes more energy than any other industry in the United States. Nearly 80 percent of the $10 billion spent on energy by the restaurant industry each year is squandered by the use of inefficient equipment. At the same time, approximately 70 percent of restaurants in the United States are small businesses that are usually too cash poor to invest in energy-efficient technology. Which of the following statements draws the most reliable conclusion from the information above A. The availability of energy-efficient equipment will reduce the energy costs of the restaurant industry by approximately 30 percent. B. No industry in the United States spends greater than $10 billion each year on energy. C. By using energy-efficient technology, a small restaurant will reduce its expenses by a greater percentage than will a large restaurant. D. Approximately $2 billion of the amount spent on energy each year by the restaurant industry is not squandered. E. The replacement of inefficient equipment represents the largest potential source of energy savings for the restaurant industry.
  16. IMO B,B,D,E Past assessments of the Brazilian rain forest have used satellite images to tally deforested areas, where farmers and ranchers have clear-cut and burned all the trees, but such work has not addressed either logging, which is the removal of only selected trees, as well as surface fires, burning down individual trees but do not denude the forest. Either x or y... present tense [burn] parallel present tense [do not denude] which removes only selected trees, or surface fires that burnThe ancient Anasazi harvested such native desert vegetation as the purple-flowered bee plant, what they now commonly call wild spinach in northern Arizona and other parts of the southwestern United States. a plant that they now commonly callOnly option which clarifies the relationship between flowered bee plant and what it is now commonly called To develop more accurate population forecasts, demographers have to know a great deal more than now about the social and economic determinants of fertility. Economical means frugal; comparison between now and they do now [sorry, I missed that] would have to know a great deal more than they do now about the social and economicLeaching, the recovery of copper from the drainage water of mines, as a method of the extraction of minerals, it was well established as early as the eighteenth century, but until about 25 years ago miners did not realize that bacteria take an active part in the process. as a method of the extraction of minerals, it was well established - unnecessary pronoun as a method of the extraction of minerals well established - no verb complement was a well-established method of mineral extraction was a well-established method of extracting mineral that was - wordy; unnecessary insertion of "that was" had been a method of mineral extraction, well establishedBetween C and E, I'd choose E. Past perfect "had been" complements past tense "did not realize" of dependent clause, and "well established method of mineral extraction" placed next to "as early as the 18th cent" sounds awkward.
  17. I'm pretty sure it's singular, ie, One of the greatest plays is Hamlet. Biologists believe that they have found one of the substances that tell individual genes both when to become active and when to remain quiescent in the earliest phases of an embryo’s development. (A) tell individual genes both when to become active and when to remain (B) tell individual genes both at which time they should become active or should remain © tells individual genes both when to become active or remain (D) tells individual genes both when to become active or when to remain (E) will tell an individual gene both about when it should become active and remain Toss up between C and D, I go w/ D tell genes when to become active or remain quiescent should be a little different from telling the genes when to do either.
  18. In choice A, you don't know what is fashioned, is it the empire, the deities, or the images? I mean common sense tells us that it's the images, but syntactically, any of those can be "fashioned" according to the sentence. Choice E clarifies the ambiguity by dividing the predicates. Many .... date AND (Many) ...... were fashioned
  19. A's out, cuz elephants don't originate from their foreheads. D and E are out due to ambiguous pronouns at the head of the sentence. I'd eliminate B, because this is ambiguous IMO C.
  20. IMO C. Obesity does not cause serious health problems. If it did, then obese people would also be the people with the most serious health problems. However, when weight figures are adjusted so people can accurately be compared to one another, a correlation between weight and health problems is absent.
  21. IMO D. The argument assumes that the prevalence of an idea can be determined by the frequency of the word associated w/ the idea. If the word is subject to several distortions in meaning, however, then the frequency of the word cannot similarily denote the spread of the idea.
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