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I will be graduating in a few weeks from a top LAC (Williams,Amherst, Swarthmore, Bowdoin) with a degree in math and a concentration in statistics. My goal is to pursue an Economics Ph.D in the future. Although I studied math, there are a few holes in my math education as a result of taking time to pursue interests in the humanities. Specifically, - My linear algebra and diff eqs are both weak. I received As in both these courses, but I don't think I fully internalized the material. Rather, I am good at taking tests and was able to get through by memorizing equations, etc. I would like to retake these courses and understand material at a deeper level - I've never studied modern algebra - Received a B in real analysis. Before applying for a Ph.D program I would therefore like to improve my math skills. I will be working in consulting following graduation so it is unlikely that I can take classes in my spare time. So I am wondering if there are any masters programs that would help me fill in these holes while preparing me for a top Ph.D program. Open to math, stats, or econ masters, but I've heard that math masters are better prep.Which programs specifically should I look into? I would also like to have more time to study for Math GRE. If it helps, my GPA is approximately a 3.8 and I have some limited research experience. Alternatively, should I apply straight for Ph.D programs? More about my profile: Econ courses: intro, micro, macro, accounting, metrics, some electives. All As. Math courses: Calculus sequence, Linear Algebra, Diff eqs, Operations research, Analysis, Probability, Math stats I-II. All As execept analysis and probability (B in analysis, B+ in probability) CS: Intro to OOP, Data Structures. All As. Research experience: 1 semester with the stats department. Rec letters: 2 maths and one Econ professor. They know me better than average but not as close as I'd like. Thanks!
- economics phd
- graduate school
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Hello, My name is Lindsey and I am in the process of applying for a PhD in Economics. I'm panicking a little about not getting into any of the schools I am applying at, and hoping for some advice. Stats: GPA: 3.83 undergrad from University of Montana GRE: 161Q, 160V, 6A Activities and honors: Honors college, global leadership initiative at my school, "outstanding graduate in economics," two undergraduate mathematics scholarships, two honors scholarships, wrote two thesis papers for my undergraduate--one for the economics major, the other not Courses: Calc 1,2, Multivariable, LA, Stat 216, Stat 351, Econometrics, Money and Banking, all intermediate macro and micro courses, Game Theory, Health Economics, Senior Thesis, Research Methods (All As in Econ classes--mix of As and Bs in math) Schools I am applying to: UMass Amherst, UW Milwaukee, U Connecticut, U Oregon, U Illinois at Chicago, Boston U, Boston College, GWU, Georgetown, Washington U at St Louis Thoughts: I am aware that my quant GRE score isn't extremely high (80th) percentile, but hoping I can be pulled up by some of my other stats. I also know that some of my schools are higher range than others; I attempted to spread them out to make myself more likely to get a couple of offers. What do you think are my prospects of getting into some of the schools I have applied for? How can I come back from a lower GRE quant score? Thanks in advance!
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Hi everyone, I'm currently finishing my B.Sc. in Economics at a good university in a European country, and I'm planning to apply for PhD programs in the US for either the 2018 or 2019 intake. I've received offers from LSE, UCL, Warwick, SSE (all MSc Econ) and Cambridge (MPhil Econ) and am now trying to decide which one would best prepare me for PhD programs in the US. My interests are in applied microeconomics. Does anyone have insights which of those programs is considered the strongest signal by admissions committees in the US (let's say TOP30) at the moment and dhow hard it is to actually obtain good enough grades at those universities to be competitive, setting aside all other parts of the application (RAships, LORs, etc.). Thanks in advance, any input would be greatly appreciated!
- admission consulting
- graduate school
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I'm currently a senior year student in the EE department at aBangladeshi University, and I'm 2 months away from graduation. I'm consideringapplying to US universities for graduate studies. I expect to graduate with aCGPA of about 3.8 (junior and senior year: 3.93). I am a bit confused as towhat to choose for my Graduate research field. My research experience includes two different fields. First, I participated in an International Competition,developing a Machine Learning system (software) for classifying the origin ofmedia recordings. Second, for my undergraduate research I've worked onnanophotonics, in particular, the enhancement of light trapping in novel solarcells via metal nanoparticles with computational methods. Now, while applying for graduate schools I'm confused as towhich line of research would be better for me. I'm highly enthusiastic about modern (quantum) physics ingeneral, so I am naturally drawn towards nanophotonics/solid state/ quantumelectronics. But, I'm unsure about the future of these fields and the kind ofjobs that these fields entail, and the chances of even getting a job. On the other hand, I am a good programmer, and I feel likeDeep Learning/ Machine Learning programs would be a safe and good choice,because of the possibility of a lot of application of these fields in the nearfuture. I do enjoy working on these also, but I have never before thought aboutgoing into these fields. So, could anyone who knows about the implications of workingon any these areas discuss the kind of work that I would be doing and putforward any suggestions as to which might be a better choice. Any suggestion ingeneral is welcome. Thanks a lot for your time.
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Hi, I'm currently a sophomore at a small liberal arts college in Los Angeles, and I was thinking about graduate school. I really like public policy, history, international relations and economics, and want to do something where I can influence policy decisions. Working in academia is fine, since I can do research which will be read by policy makers and hopefully influence public policy. I really like development economics, and hope someday to work for an NGO, the UN, or a development economics, or international economics consulting firm. I have a strong passion for all my interests mentioned above, and can talk about them all day, every day, forever, and I love research, but am not super comfortable with math. i like in theory, and think it's very interesting, but was never a superstar at calculus, statistics, etc. but managed to do well simply by working hard. I am currently taking Statistics, and will take Calculus II next semester to see how I like math, and continue if I find it enjoyable. My dilemma is that I'm not sure whether I should go into a Masters in Public Policy or PhD in Economics program. I can learn to like math, but it never came easy to me, but if I work hard at it, maybe I can like it more. What should I do in order to figure out what path is right for me? P.S. My GPA is a 3.57. If I do well the rest of college, i should have around a 3.75 to a 3.85. Is that GPA good enough for a PhD in Economics program, or a MPP? Thanks, kevin1297
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Hi, I am getting ready to take the GRE, but my GPA is pretty low (below 3.0) - is there still a chance for me to get in? Thanks
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- barcelona gse
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Hi everyone, I am just looking for the names of some schools ranked 30-70 that have decent environmental economics and developmental economics phd programs. Also, I will definitely need funding so please let me know which schools in this range are stingy when it comes to funding their students. Thanks! :watermelon: I am having a really tough time narrowing down my search and would really value everyone opinion on this.
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- development economics
- economics
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Hello All!! So I graduated from a small liberal arts school in the northeast about a year ago... Here are my stats GPA 3.79 Math courses Calc 1 A 2 A 3 C Differential Equations C Linear Alegebra B Logic Set Theory and Proofs B+ GRE 160Q 160V 4AWA Here is a list graduate schools I plan to apply to. Let me know if i have a shot. [TABLE=width: 154] [TR] [TD]NYU[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]UCSD[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Cornell[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Brown[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Maryland College Park[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]University of Arizona[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Univeristy of Pitt[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Vanderbilt[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Santa Barbara[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]USC[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Boulder[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]University of Oregon[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]California Santa Cruz[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Souther Methodist[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Georgia State[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]University of Hawaii[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]University of Toronto[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
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Hello everyone, I recently have this question when looking for job opportunities to get internship hours in pharmacy. I came to the States for graduate school, but recently feel that basic science research is not so much what I want to pursue for the rest of my life. One of the options I have been considering is to become a clinical pharmacist. During grad school, as a foreign pharmacy graduate, I was able to pass FPGEE, TOEFL, obtain my FPGEC, and I currently hold an intern license. To become a pharmacist, I need to accumulate 1500 internship hours in the States. I have tried applying for internship positions and emailing around, but no luck in getting a paid position. I do not have visa sponsorship issues, so my guess is that I might be lacking real clinical pharmacy experience with only a few rotations and internships. But I am competing with other pharmacy graduate students who would not have much experience, either. So… What would a hiring person be looking for when hiring an intern? Should I also try applying for tech positions? Although I was lucky to get a volunteer position, I have to keep my current job to pay my bills and can only squeeze so little time to volunteer at the pharmacy to get my hours, which has been overwhelming just for the past two months or so. I cannot imagine living this life for another two years juggling amongst two jobs. So I really hope I could find something to quickly accumulate my internship hours! I recall the manager who looked at my resume told me it didn’t look like I wanted to stay in clinical pharmacy, I wonder if it is due to the research experience I have? Since graduation, most of my accomplishments have been in the research field, including project management, teaching, presentations, and obtaining grant funding. Would any of the hiring person see this as a plus? Or should I downplay my grad school time? If you were the hiring person (pharmacy or HR), will you hire a PhD in your pharmacy? What advice would you give? Thank you for reading through this post and any input is appreciated!
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Hi everyone, I am a bachelor student in Physics and I am exploring my opportunities to pursue an Master's degree in Finance. I would like to know your opinions or advice on top graduate schools for Finance and/or Economics in Europe. I hope that your opinions/ advice can help me forward in making a good decision... Thanks in advance.:encouragement: Btw: Is anyone familiar with Barcelona GSE? I do not understand why Barcelona GSE does not appear in the rankings... It makes it difficult for me to form a good opinion on them.
- finance
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Hi all! Here is some info on me: B.A. in Psychology and Spanish expected in May 2013 Honors in the Psychology Major GPA of 3.916 at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (3.917 Psych) GRE: Verbal-166 (96%), Quantitative-154 (60%), AW 4.5 (73%) Total-320 Psych GRE results come out on Monday :dejected: Research experience in the Developmental field since January 2011 Currently finishing up my Senior Honors Thesis for which I had a $3000 grant Member of Psi Chi (National Honorary Society in Psych), Phi Kappa Phi, National Society of Collegiate Scholars, and Phi Beta Kappa Applying to: Penn State, the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Northwestern University, Northern Illinois University, Loyola University of Chicago, the University of Maryland, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Thanks in advance for your help! :)
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Hello, I'm looking to apply for a Masters in Economics (hoping to enter in Fall 2013) and am a little concerned after reading all of these forums where others have posted their profiles. Let me preface it by saying that I'd never intended on studying economics at a graduate level, I was actually preparing to study political science or public policy. My interests have changed, however, and I'm very set on pursuing a career in economics. Unfortunately this means my background isn't as strong as someone who actually knew they were working towards an advanced degree in econ :torn: Undergrad: CSU with a modest reputation (one of the top 5 CSUs, so not totally unknown). BA in political science, with a minor in Economics. Overall GPA: 3.71, major GPA is closer to 4.0. GRE: Q 155, V 165, AW TBD (just took it today, planning to re-take it to try to raise the quant score to hopefully 160ish) Economics courses taken (all undergrad): Intro to Macro/Micro (B's in both), Advanced Micro Analysis (A-), Advanced Macro Analysis (B-), Developmental Economics (A-) Math: Finite Math (A), Intermediate Algebra (B), Trigonometry/Pre-Calculus Algebra (A), Intro to Stats (A) Math courses to come: Calculus I, II, III; Linear Algebra In hopes of making my application more competitive, I'm currently completing an Associate's degree in math at a community college. As part of this, I'll also be taking courses in C programming and Java (seems to be increasingly important in the field). LORs: 1 from my undergrad political science thesis advisor, 1 from the econ department chair (a PhD), and unsure of where the 3rd should come from - I didn't have close ties to any other economics professors. I could definitely get a good one from one of my political science profs though. Work/Research experience: No related work experience, but did write a 40+ page undergraduate research-based thesis about the legality and ethics of current US foreign policy Based upon my profile, I assume that I should limit my search to 3rd tier schools? Even then, do I have a chance at being admitted? Would it boost my eligibility if I got excellent (all A's) grades in my upcoming math classes, along with an improved GRE score? Does anyone know of any good schools that would fit this bill? My ultimate goal is to do very well in the master's and springboard into a PhD at a more prestigious school. Thanks in advance for your input!!
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- admission criteria
- economics
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Hello everyone! I would like to get a graduate degree (undecided between an MS or a PhD but leaning toward the former at the moment) in computational linguistics/Natural language programming. This is my background: I have a BS and MS in Mathematics and have been working in NLP this past one year. I'd like to know if anyone else here is applying to a similar program. If you are, get in touch! :)
- computational linguistics
- graduate school
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Hi all. So I was just accepted into a master's program via email. I am wondering two things 1) Is there anything non-obvious that I should say in my thank you letter? Beyond thanks, i'm honored, etc, is there anything they expect to see? Are there things such that, if I don't say them, they will be offended? 2) I am being "highly considered" for a full assistantship. Are there any good strategies or tricks I could use to tip the balance even now after my full application is in their hands? Thanks
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- assistantship
- graduate school
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Hello, this forum has been really helpful for gaining insights on colleges. I want to work after my Master in Economics and not directly pursue a Phd (maybe in the future, but not immediately) I mainly want to work in the International Development sector and with organizations like World Bank, IMF, UNDP etc. I am completing my undergrad in Economics from a very prestigious Indian University. Though my marks are average, my LORs are pretty good. I've applied to the following schools and which one do you think will give me a better opening in to the job sector I want to go to: UK: 1. LSE 2. UCL 3. Oxford 4. Cambridge 5. SOAS 6. St. Andrews USA: 1. Boston University 2. Duke 3. John Hopkins (I dont have much scope to get into US because Indian Undergrads are for 3 years relative to their requirement of 4 year undergrads and they usually prefer work experience before taking on people even for masters. Plus i dont think my GRE is good enough for Hopkins or Duke. But BU I am hoping for. ) other schools: Toulouse, Hong Kong University and Graduate Institute in Geneva. My main area of interest in Economics is: International economics and development.
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- econ masters
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Hi Everyone, Have you decided on which field or fields to focus on? If so, what made you decide to focus on that field in particular? What was it about that particular field that attracted you to learning it? What skills or talents do you feel are helpful for someone wishing to go into that field? I am an undergrad who is in the process of deciding which field to focus on, so any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Ariella
Dear all, I am graduating in two weeks. I have no job lined up(had a lot of interested employers but end up not getting the interview because they learned of my non-resident alien status). My life is a mess. I am an international student graduating this december double majoring in finance and international business, and minoring in economics. Have a 3.96 and graduating top of class. a lot of on campus work experience(lab tutor, supplemental instructor, internship at a credit union, student office assistant, ..... ) Since I am a international student, I need a job that can sponsor me h1b. No one is willing. I don't know if it is because my school is in the middle of no where and it is quite a no-namer for business majors. I have a lot of people emailing me to apply for jobs including vanguard but when I did and tell them(actually they asked me) my need of h1b then I get shut down, like completely. So I am trying to find a job that can sponsor me h1b. Please tell me if you know how to go about that. Which free website has a lot of good h1b sponsored jobs? Or do just need to suck it up and go to grad school for a masters then come back job hunting? My grad school applications are not going so well either. I mean I have a bad history with my previous school and also my GRE and GMats are not high enough. I need help with some direction and assistance. Please help me out. Going nuts. Why do I have to graduate this semester? :(:mad::rolleyes::grad:
- graduate school
- graduation
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Major: Computer Engineering Goal: MS or PhD in field related to Robotics GPA: 3.77 Major GPA: 3.84 GRE: 1370 (790Q / 580V) 1 Summer Internship (good internship, working directly with engineers) Research in Computer Vision, including robot project Senior Design Project: Snake Robot Any suggestions? Where would you apply if you were me? I've already applied to GA Tech, VA Tech, and UPenn I probably need some safer schools to add. THANKS!
- computer engineering
- electrical engineering
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Hi everyone, I wanted to know of the ‘good’ graduate schools for masters in economics outside the USA? Good means: academically rigorous (advanced theory courses), faculty that can teach well (as opposed to those who do research) and quantitatively oriented. I have done my undergraduation in economics, but do not have enough mathematics papers to apply for a PhD in the US. (I did have stats courses and I work in a research institute). Thank you for your help.
Hi all, I'm curious to see if anyone else here is making the jump from a liberal arts background to graduate economics. My undergraduate major was East Asian Studies, focusing on modern Chinese history and politics. My GPA was a mediocre 3.42. As of graduation in 2009, I had only completed the basic calculus sequence (I-III), and that was at the end of sophomore year. I'm now doing a Master's in econ at a large public university in the Southeast, with a graduate minor in mathematics. (I'm kind of hoping that if I am truly outstanding in my MA program with a lot of PhD-level econ and MA-level math, my undergrad GPA won't mean much). Is anyone else in the same boat? Any other reborn economists?
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- economics
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Hi, I've heard from quite a few people that it's worthwhile to pursue NSF funding for those interested in PhD Econ programs. I couldn't seem to find any posts related to this on the forum (but I'm also new here, so if I missed it, please don't be harsh). So my question is: what's the deal with NSF funding for econ? Is it funding for a specific, one-time research project done during a post-grad year? Or what? Thanks for the help on this.
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- econ
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